Tuesday, September 9, 2008
hangin on
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
love is easy when your loved
Sunday, August 17, 2008
how it turns out
my sister, my hero
nice guys finish last
thank heaven for little girls
the past couple days have been a bit rough for me. my fiance that left me last month started coming back to me and even asked me to be her boyfriend again. you dont even know how good that felt but i said not yet, i need you to show me that you really want me cause im not getting hurt again. she agreed and said ill show you, ill prove to you that your the one i want. that was monday night. it was right around tuesday afternoon she didnt wanna be with me at all. but you gotta try and stay positive because life will go on remember? fortunately i have my daughter around to help me. she doesnt really know it but i talk to her for hours while she sleeps its kinda my therepy. but theres also when she's awake we hang out and play and thats where the real magig happens. she reminds me of all the good things in this world, the reasons to be thankfull your alive and breathing, to be thankfull for hugs and kisses and laughter. so its getting better with time.
will you be thankful for the thorns
''everybody loves a rose, will you be thankful for the thorns'' people go through life focusing on everything good they might have. thy want everything to be perfect and have nothing wrong. but the things that are wrong is what makes everything that is beautiful shine even brighter. a rose is incomplete without the thorns. the thorns are part of what makes a rose a rose. same goes in life. the rough parts are what makes you rlife worth while. no body wants to go through the bad times but those are the ones that get you to the next good time. if everything went smooth in your life it would mean nothing because you wouldnt have had to fight for your happiness, you wouldnt appreciate it nearly as much as if you had to struggle to get to that point. so whenever your realizing how wonderfull it is to be alive also appreciate the things you had to go through to get there and be thankful for them because without them you wouldnt be where you are today.